Raekwon Baas

Fitboyz 010 NL/ Baas Sports CW
Year of birth2002
Trainer/coachRodney Ernst/ Edwin Baas
Raekwon Mo-A-Lee Baas "Raeky" was born and raised in Curaçao. He left for the Netherlands to study and trained at Hannes Schneider’s NSC (New Sport Challenge) Haarlem. June 2023 he became North Netherlands Champion. In October 2023 he moved to Rotterdam and since then he has been training at FitBoyz 010 under the guidance of Rodney Ernst. January 2024 Raekwon became Open South Netherlands Champion and April 2024 South Netherlands Champion. May 2024 he won in the first round at the international Portimão Box Cup in Portugal.
Amateur boxing8-4
Pro boxing0-0-0
Thai & kickboxing0-0-0