No boxers, no event

No boxers, no event

Unfortunately, another event, the AA boxing event which was scheduled for March 29, is cancelled and again for the reason that too few bouts can be scheduled. For the safety and health of the athletes, the matches must be equal according to the rules. This means that...
Kuki award

Kuki award

CuraBox was one of the nominees and won the kuki award because was the most updated website of the year 2024. This was the last time, after 20 years, that organizers Ace Suares and Rianne Hellings awarded this prize. The great thing is that Edwin Baas also...
CuraBox to Venezuela

CuraBox to Venezuela

December 10, the Junior category boxing delegation from Curaçao, represented by the athletes; Yadiel Martes (36 kg), Deshaun Bernadina (38 kg), Shermilon Susana (54 kg) and Skye Prinssen (56kg), together with the coaches; Joram Schenk, Yohan León and Coregelino...
Curacao Represented At Global Boxing Forum

Curacao Represented At Global Boxing Forum

Andy Frans, vice-president of the Curacao Boxing Association (CuraBox), travelled last week to Dubai, United Arab Emirates.In Dubai a two-day event took place last weekend, which included the Global Boxing Forum, the IBA (International Boxing Association) Ordinary...