The elections for athlete of the year (Elekshon Deportista, Dirigente i Wes di Aña) took place on April 24, 2024.
Fabian Williams was elected Curacao sportsman of the year 2023. And in 2024 we will hear much more from this boxer from Supreme Boxing Centre.
The following people from the boxing sport were nominated by FDOK (Federashon Deporte i Olímpiko Kòrsou). In the photo below from left to right; Edwin Baas (Dirigente Atministrativo), Nahdir Haseth (Deportista Hubenil Maskulino), Coregelino Djaoen (Dirigente Tékniko) who because he was abroad was represented by his mother Corine Djaoen Genaro, Fabian Williams (Deportista Senior Maskulino), Christine Francisca (Deportista Hubenil Femenino) and also in the photo at the right Len Huard, president of the NBB (Boxing federation of The Netherlands).

Youth female: Christine Francisca (born in 2007)
GOLD @ AMBC Continental Championships Colombia.
Participated @ IBA Junior World Championships Armenia.
Won international vs Yamileth Los Angeles Melende (MEX) and Albanery Gonzalez (DOM).

Youth male: Nahdir Haseth (born in 2007)
SILVER @ AMBC Continental Championships Colombia.
Participated @ IBA Junior World Championships Armenia.
Won international vs Alfonso Josue Ariza Angulo (COL) and Pedro Nunez (DOM).

Adults male: Fabian Williams (born in 2003)
SILVER in elite open @ Puerto Rico.
SILVER in elite A-class @ NK.
Won international vs Brian Howell (ARU), Shaquon Croes (ARU), New Jersey, New York, Keobenny Segura (DOM) and Boyd Machelessen (NLD).
1st place @ Curacao National Championships

Trainer/coach: Coregelino Djaoen
Trainer and coach of the nominated boxers and also of many other successful boxers.
Successfully completed the 1-star international boxing coach courses of IBA (International Boxing Association).
Also organized international boxing events and local activities for youth.

Administrator: Edwin Baas
Organized the Curacao National Championships (CNC)
Organized a judge course and was, together with international referee/judge Mr. Edmond Lodowica, teacher of this course, developing course material, exams, etc.
Ensured that various coaches and referees could obtain internationally recognized certificates (Baas successfully completed the course to become an international boxing coach himself).
Supported clubs in organizing boxing events, ensured commitment and that 12 affiliated clubs participated in the activities, various administrative tasks.