During the General Members Meeting of the Curaçao Boxing Association (CuraBox) on January 19, 2024, Mr. Edmond Silvester Lodowica (65) was appointed honorary member of the Curaçao Boxing Association (CuraBox). He earned this because of his 50 years anniversary that he has been in boxing.
Edmond Lodowica (1958) started boxing in 1974, after receiving a pair of boxing gloves from his cousin Freddy “Floyd Patterson” Daalnoot.
Edmond made an improvised boxing ring in the backyard of the parental home and many neighborhood kids came to box after school in the afternoon.
Without a trainer or gym, he took part in competitions in the Rif stadium in that same year (1974). The fight ended in a draw.
After this fight Carmen Basilio invited Edmond to train in community center Sentro di bario Buena Vista with Eugene Daalnoot, brother of Freddy.
A year later (1975) het started training at The Late Pedro “Shonpe” Hooi († April 30, 2020), who was the only certified trainer of Curaçao that time.
Edmond fought 22 bouts, 14 victories, 2 draw and 6 losses. In 1980 Edmond became champion of Curacao in SDK.
Memorable boxing bouts were against; Champion of St.Maarten Kid Tiger, Aruban idol Raefel Flanders, Nel Zimmerman for the Curacao title, Champion of Venezuela Jorgue Bazan, Champion of Valencia Hidalco Martinus, Champion of Maracaibo Petrona Anzola. Edmond participated as boxing athlete at the Bataya de Carabobo in Venezuela, 1984 and 1985. Next to Curacao and Venezuela Edmond also boxed in Aruba and Colombia.
Due to a knee injury sustained during football/soccer, he had to stop competitive boxing, but he remained active as a trainer, coach, second, judge, referee, timekeeper, etc. He did and still does this as a volunteer.
In 1984 Edmond completed the AIBA trainer course by Steve Klaus. He started to help Jaime Felipa in sentro di bario Brievengat, where he trained boxers like Wendel Trinidat, Easy boy Michael and Baba Quami.
In 1987 Edmond completed a trainers course by two Puerto Ricans.
In 1993 Edmond went to Cuba to learn boxing from the Cubans who were the best in the world at the time.
After this Edmond helped Ak Rojer with training kids at Ringside gym and from 2004 till now he is helping at Baas Sports with instructing the sport of boxing.
As a coach Edmond went in 1987 to Bataya de Carabobo in Venezuela, the South American games (Odesur) in Paraguay, Dutch Championships and more.
Edmond completed the following referee & judge courses:
1985 international AIBA R&Js course by Mr. Morales from Venezuela.
2010 AIBA/AMBC R&Js course in Dominican Republic.
2017 R&Js course by James Beckles from Trinidad & Tobago.
2023 International R&Js course of the IBA (International Boxing Association formerly known as AIBA) at Continental championships in Cali, Colombia. Here he supervised more than 80 bouts.
Other places were he was active as referee and judge are; Aruba, St. Maarten and (British) Guyana during the Caribbean championships.
Edmond is at the moment the only international recognized boxing referee and judge.
Like other volunteers, Edmond volunteers entirely without ever having received a cent for his efforts in the sport. The only difference with many other volunteers is that he has been doing this continuously for many years and that people can always count on him. An example is that he returns early from a holiday abroad, because we need him during a boxing event in Curacao.
As a supervisor at CuraBox, he also takes care of the training of new referees and judges.
Edwin Baas met Edmond in 2003 when he gave a boxing training on the occasion of the founding of CUMAFE.
Just like for CuraBox, formerly known as CABA, Edmond has also volunteered for CUMAFE and continues to do so.
In 2023 Edmond Lodowica obtained the 1-star diplomas of IBA (International Boxing Association), both as an international coach and as an international referee & judge. In the past Edmond has already obtained many diplomas as a trainer, referee, etc. in the 50 years that he has been active in boxing. However, he ensures that his knowledge is regularly refreshed and also passes it on to others.
Edmond was appointed honorary member during the general members meeting of CuraBox on January 19, 2024.
CuraBox has nominated Edmond Lodowica to the Curacao sports federation FDOK (Federashon Deporte i Olímpiko Kòrsou) as competition official of the year 2023 and also nominated to be included in the “Salon di Fama” (wall of fame).